BMW Motorrad - Locks, Mirrors, Painted Parts, Trim (51) for R 1200 GS Adventure, 2010-'13 - ECE
Click on a diagram below to view and purchase parts
51_3316Rep.kit f lock cylinder
51_5340Single key locking system EWS 3
51_5341Ignition switch and mounting parts
51_7955Painted parts WN03 leucht-gelb met.
51_7956Painted parts WM11 rauch-grau met.matt
51_8338Decor '30 Years of GS'
51_8453Painted parts YN91alpinweiss/sandrover
51_8454Painted Parts YN15 magma-rot uni
51_8455Painted parts WN64 saphir-schwarz met.
51_8575Tool box
51_8914Painted parts WN43 saphir-schwarz met.