BMW Motorcycle Oil Change Kits
Changing your motorcycle oil and oil filter on a regular basis is the single most important maintenance task you can do to assure the integrity and longevity of your engine. Many BMW riders enjoy performing this relatively simple service themselves. However, you won't find the parts and supplies you need at your local auto parts store. So, we've made it our mission to help you get everything you need right here as quickly and easily as possible.
Here, you'll find all that you need to find the correct BMW oil filter for your motorcycle model. While there are a variety of BMW motorcycle oil change kits, there are also aftermarket alternatives that can help you save a little money. Will you need a wrench to remove and reinstall your filter? Those are here too – either the stock BMW tool or the Bob's version, recommended for its sure-fit design and affordability. We even stock those little crush washers; you know you need to replace them with each oil change. For some models, oil filters are included in BMW motorcycle oil change kits that also have the required crush washers and other gaskets. You can pick up our Crush Washer Kits, which are conveniently packaged in full sets of the washers needed to change all the drive train oils — no more searching Microfiche diagrams to find them. The biggest hit on these pages by far is our 10% OFF Complete Oil Change Kits. There's one to fit your model; get everything you need with one click — and SAVE big!
A reminder: the staff at Bob's BMW is here for you. After all, we're riders, too. That means we've scraped our knuckles doing self-service maintenance, we've experienced the frustration of starting a project and finding we didn't have all the parts we needed, and we've also felt the exhilaration that comes when the bike finally goes back together and we're out for that first ride and everything works just right. Talk about the Ultimate Motorcycling Experience. It doesn't get much better! So when you have questions — and you will — about any parts, accessories, or apparel we sell, even simple things like BMW oil filters or BMW motorcycle oil change kits, you know you can call Bob's for honest and useful advice, based on real experience. Simply contact us and a member of our team will be glad to help you find everything you need to get your bike running smooth.